I’ve utilized a variety of counselors and therapists over my lifetime. However, working with Janet as my life coach these past weeks has been life affirming. Currently we are analyzing values, action of those values and how they impact decision making. Three sessions in and I’ve already begun to experience positive changes and look forward to our upcoming session.
AL Rittenhouse
I began working with Janet at a time when I was very unhappy with my employment status. Janet’s great insights, questions and gentle prodding helped to guide me into looking at problems in different ways and thus finding meaningful, helpful solutions which helped me to settle into a new position that has led me to be so happy. Janet exhibits an exceptional sense of interest in my life and her intuition and direction are always on target. I feel much support by having found Janet, am grateful for her life coaching skills and privileged to have her as a coach and friend.
Jennifer Chaffin, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
To whom it may concern regarding Janet Wolcott,
There are many things that share that Janet has do to help people but there are two things that involve me directly. The first time was when we first met. She was working at the same hospital as I and found out that I smoked. She and I worked together to develop a good plan to help me stop smoking and embrace my health, I am now approaching my tenth anniversary of being smoke free.
The second way that she helps others is by offering her swimming pool in the summer for swim lessons. I started teaching her daughter and she asked if I could do a few more. I did and still do, even though Jillian is no longer taking the lessons. She said that she wanted to have as many children, and adults on occasion, learn how to swim. We share this goal.
I hope that this has been helpful to the insight of what makes Janet a good coach and leader.
Thank you,
Kim Adkins